CASE STUDY / Automotive Signs
North Freeway Hyundai
Signco America initially developed this project to be an automotive retail monument with LED message board contained within the structure. Through the evolution of Signco America's design process, it became much more than that. Signco America developed the addition of a showplace for vehicles to be displayed at the base of the monument structure, which enhanced the focal point and marketing capability of Hyundai's dealership retail signage.
This massive monument project required Signco America to deliver the signage in four modular sections to be assembled on site. The size of the project required classification and permitting for a large building/structutre by Harris County in Houston, Texas.
Signco America took full responsibility for design and production drawings, submittals, engineering, permitting, as well as all site site surveys, civil engineering and structural design. We have an industry leading, quality assurance program to ensure that your signage looks and functions as good years from now as it does the day it is installed.